Anal Pain

Causes and Management A day does not go by where I don’t see a patient in my practice with anal pain! Any pain is distressing but a ‘pain in the butt’ goes beyond just the physical part, it can be embarrassing, can affect self-confidence and interfere with bowel action. The...

Laparoscopic Hernia Repair

A hernia is a condition where part of one’s internal structures protrudes through a defect or weakening in the surface of our body. A hernia can be in the groin, the abdominal wall, e.g. umbilical, a prior scar, e.g. appendicectomy scar or Caesarian scars etc. A hernia may give you...

Pilonidal disease

First described over 250 years ago, was known as Jeep disease during WWII. Nearly 80000 soldiers were treated for this condition during WWII!. Pilonidal comes from the Greek work and means ‘nest of hair’ It is a rare disease in patients <12yo and >40yo. Risk factors include race, occupation, male...